Apesar de todo as estas mensagens, eu tenho andado a fazer mais mobilia, na verdade ando a fazer umas experiências e ando a construir diversas cabeceiras de cama. Modernamente usa-se muito as cabeceiras da cama encostadas à parede e depois um simples "soumier". baseada nesta ideia ando a fazer umas cabeceiras, as quais podem ser vendidas tal qual, o que as torna bastante baratas. Quem quiser eu faço a cama completa ou mesmo um estrado em madeira com ou sem gavetas.
During these last days, I am doing some pieces of furniture, as ususal in twelve scale, but I have an ideia of building head beds, just to use with a "soumier"! I am trying several designs of my own and I hope to have some photos soon. Those are for selling, as all the furniture I have been making and showing here, and they are very affordable, because it is only the head of the bead. If anyone wish I can make a complete bed, of course...
My Etsy shop Miniatures Forever
Encomendas!!!!! Faça a sua consulta sem compromisso!
Executo por encomenda móveis em miniatura, ambientes e casas de bonecas. Dou orçamento e prazo de entrega.
Envie-me o seu pedido para anaanselmo55@gmail.com
Executo por encomenda móveis em miniatura, ambientes e casas de bonecas. Dou orçamento e prazo de entrega.
Envie-me o seu pedido para anaanselmo55@gmail.com
My fabric Catalogue!!!! O meu catálogo de tecidos!!!!!
O meu catálogo de Tecidos com padrões pequeninos!!! Especial para miniaturas, casas de bonecas e vestidos de bonecas!
Visite-me no meu blog Forever Fabrics
High Quality Fabrics! Real fabrics not ink jet printed fabrics!!! Visit my new Blog Forever Fabrics
Hard to find fabrics with tiny patterns, a great variety of more then 550 different patterns, flowers, dots, stripes, checks, geometric, faux patchwork, all suitable for 12th scale or even less.
I buy all around the world so buying from me you will save in P&P!!!
If you don´t feel confortable to buy directly from me, I will be happy to make a list for you, on my Etsy shop!
Thank you!
Visite-me no meu blog Forever Fabrics
High Quality Fabrics! Real fabrics not ink jet printed fabrics!!! Visit my new Blog Forever Fabrics
Hard to find fabrics with tiny patterns, a great variety of more then 550 different patterns, flowers, dots, stripes, checks, geometric, faux patchwork, all suitable for 12th scale or even less.
I buy all around the world so buying from me you will save in P&P!!!
If you don´t feel confortable to buy directly from me, I will be happy to make a list for you, on my Etsy shop!
Thank you!
perdi o juízo!!! I'm off my head!!!
Descobri este site dutante o fim de semana e já me inscrevi em 2 grupos!!! Acho que não estou no meu juízo perfeito, mas estou tão contente e ansiosa para ver com corre.
During this week-end I have discovered this site, and I have join two swap groups already!!!!
I am so excited, just like a little girl waiting for a surprise. Don´t you want to join, too?
I am in the "Ribbon and Buttons" and "Pen Pals for a year"......
O serviço de correios mais pequeno do mundo The World's Smallest Postal Service (WSPS)
Achei isto uma ternura: em São Francisco uma rapariga teve esta ideia , escrever cartinhas minúsculas, em cafés, pastelarias etc, para quem quiser. As pesssoas ditam o texto que ela escreve numa letra minúscula, no respectivo papel de carta. Depois a cartinha é colocada num saco/envelope, com uma lupa, tudo bem lacrado e segue por correio normal. Se quiserem podem surpreender alguém , pois o pedido posde ser feito on-line http://www.leafcutterdesigns.com/shop/wsps/about.html
The World's Smallest Postal Service (WSPS) is a teeny tiny transcription service and roaming post office based in the San Francisco Bay Area and also available online.
Lea Redmond is the Postmaster, setting up her tiny mobile office in cafes and shops where passers-by can write a letter and have it turned into a "world's smallest letter." The letter is transcribed on a miniature desk in the tiniest of script, sealed with a miniscule wax seal with the sender's intial pressed into it, packaged up with a magnifying glass in a glassine envelope, and finished off with a large wax seal (see above). It is a double delight: for both the sender and the recipient, and the WSPS is very happy to provide this important service to the world.
Check the calendar to find out the schedule and whereabouts of the WSPS, or peruse the website and order letters online for a virtual experience. The WSPS is also available for special events and parties.
Lea Redmond is the Postmaster, setting up her tiny mobile office in cafes and shops where passers-by can write a letter and have it turned into a "world's smallest letter." The letter is transcribed on a miniature desk in the tiniest of script, sealed with a miniscule wax seal with the sender's intial pressed into it, packaged up with a magnifying glass in a glassine envelope, and finished off with a large wax seal (see above). It is a double delight: for both the sender and the recipient, and the WSPS is very happy to provide this important service to the world.
Check the calendar to find out the schedule and whereabouts of the WSPS, or peruse the website and order letters online for a virtual experience. The WSPS is also available for special events and parties.
My friend Alicia a doll maker
I want to show the last creations of my friend Alicia. She is a wonderful and very talent doll maker and if you want you can contact her. She has a site www.aligradolls.com and also a blog (see in my portuguese blogs) where you can see all her work. Alicia accepts commissions and she also sells on fairs (Madrid, Arnhem, Milano, etc)
Prémio, Award

Quero agradecer à Marion http://mundomarian.blogspot.com/ e http://mundomarianpremios.blogspot.com/ pelo prémio que me deu.
Como é costume teria de referir 5 blogs da minha preferência, mas vou optar por uma coisa diferente. Penso que todos os miniaturistas que fazem um esforço para manter o seu blog, partilhando as suas obras e ideias, merecem este prémio. A maioria, com eu, trabalham a tempo inteiro, tratam da casa, da familia e ainda arranjam tempo para manter um blog!!! Obrigada a todos.
Now in English, as you have already understand, I received an award from Marion, from Spain. Instead of giving a list of five blogs, I want to give this award to all those miniaturists that make an effort to have a blog, sharing all those beautiful things they made with us. Most of them, like me, have a full time job, a house and family to care for and they still find time to maintain a blog. So, thanks for all of you, around the world!!!!
Chocolate eggs and almonds, Ovinhos de chocolate e amêndoas
O que eu mais gosto na Páscoa é o fim de semana prolongado! Quem não gosta? Divirtam-se e comam muitas amêndoas e ovinhos de chocolate, ou o que mais vos apeteça!!!!
In Portugal we use to eat sweet almonds, covered with sugar or chocolate and of course chocolate eggs for the children.
But what I like most is the big week-end....3 all days for making miniatures.
Have a nice Eastern
In Portugal we use to eat sweet almonds, covered with sugar or chocolate and of course chocolate eggs for the children.
But what I like most is the big week-end....3 all days for making miniatures.
Have a nice Eastern
tudo dá errado, everything goes wrong
Desde io fim de semana passado tenho andado a tentar acabar umas cadeiras que fiz , mas parece que tudo o que faço saí mal ou é asneira. Até já pensei começar tudo de novo. Agora, voltei a lixar tudo e vou repintar. Vamos ver se é desta (URRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!)
Since last wek-end i am trying to finish to chairs that I have made during the week-end, but everything I have done it was horrible. I decided to sand all the chairs and to see what I can done with them. I hope in the end I can get something nice...I hate when this happens.
Since last wek-end i am trying to finish to chairs that I have made during the week-end, but everything I have done it was horrible. I decided to sand all the chairs and to see what I can done with them. I hope in the end I can get something nice...I hate when this happens.
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