My Etsy shop Miniatures Forever
Encomendas!!!!! Faça a sua consulta sem compromisso!
Executo por encomenda móveis em miniatura, ambientes e casas de bonecas. Dou orçamento e prazo de entrega.
Envie-me o seu pedido para anaanselmo55@gmail.com
Executo por encomenda móveis em miniatura, ambientes e casas de bonecas. Dou orçamento e prazo de entrega.
Envie-me o seu pedido para anaanselmo55@gmail.com
My fabric Catalogue!!!! O meu catálogo de tecidos!!!!!
O meu catálogo de Tecidos com padrões pequeninos!!! Especial para miniaturas, casas de bonecas e vestidos de bonecas!
Visite-me no meu blog Forever Fabrics
High Quality Fabrics! Real fabrics not ink jet printed fabrics!!! Visit my new Blog Forever Fabrics
Hard to find fabrics with tiny patterns, a great variety of more then 550 different patterns, flowers, dots, stripes, checks, geometric, faux patchwork, all suitable for 12th scale or even less.
I buy all around the world so buying from me you will save in P&P!!!
If you don´t feel confortable to buy directly from me, I will be happy to make a list for you, on my Etsy shop!
Thank you!
Visite-me no meu blog Forever Fabrics
High Quality Fabrics! Real fabrics not ink jet printed fabrics!!! Visit my new Blog Forever Fabrics
Hard to find fabrics with tiny patterns, a great variety of more then 550 different patterns, flowers, dots, stripes, checks, geometric, faux patchwork, all suitable for 12th scale or even less.
I buy all around the world so buying from me you will save in P&P!!!
If you don´t feel confortable to buy directly from me, I will be happy to make a list for you, on my Etsy shop!
Thank you!
an award from Katie

Katie words http://katiesclaycorner.blogspot.com/:
This is just the kind of award that should be going around blog world. So many of us depend on each others comments to get us though. I don't know about ya'll, but my family is tired of hearing it, seeing it....and the fact my craft stuff tends to take over every room, doesn't help either. I love seeing someone else get excited about what I'm sharing...it makes me feel really connected to all of you.
This award was designed by Ces for her friend Bella. Ces wrote:- I designed this award to celebrate art in the blogs and to honour the value of friendship, sisterhood, sharing and caring. It is to be awarded to the gifted, accomplished, eloquent and talented blogger, whose friendship and influence inspire us to do our best. That I named it after Bella Sinclair is because she epitomises all of these things.
the link to Ces's blog....
Katie, thank you very much for the award, it really means a lot to me to receive it from you.
I love to read your blog, I enjoy so much your stories about Otis (LOL), the news about your family, I smile with all that things that Cora wants for her house....this is really sharing and caring.
So, it is not only to read a blog and to see nice miniatures and because of this I am taking this award very serious and passing it to a few persons:
to my friend Alicia Volta http://aligradolls.blogspot.com/
to Rosanna http://lastanzadigiuggiola.blogspot.com/
Welcome to my new followers
I am very happy, I have two more followers!!!!
Thank you very much for your interest in my blog.
Thank you very much for your interest in my blog.
Tico-tico, I miss her so much :(
Tico-tico is a girl!!!!!

It seems that Tico-tico is a little girl!!!!
And I have a lots of news to tell. As you may remember what we really want it is to return the little bat to her colony. So, she is now with a biologist, specialist in bats, more precisely species that are from Portuguese habitats and of course it was from her that we knew that Tico-tico is a girl.
We miss her little baby bat a lot!!!! she is so cute and sweet. But she is doing well, eating lots of good things, vitamins and calcium and learning how to fly at night (we hope).
Kite paper and balloons!!!!!!!!!

Kite paper and balloons!!!!!!!!!
Cute wall lights to your nursery room or shop
These wall lights are very easy to make, just takes a few hours and no expensive or special materials are needed. these were designed by myself, so you can use the design , with no problem.
Wood (obeche wood with 3 mm width maximum)
Thin paper card
Metal rule
Kitchen paper towel
Fine sand paper
Sharp craft knife or x-acto
Tacky glue
Acrylic paints (colours of your choice)
Embroidery thread (white or brown…or as you wish)
Electric bulb with wire and plug
Kite template
Important measures
Tail about 7.5 cm (about 0.5 cm with be to glue the tail to the back
of the kite
Number of tiny bows: 7-9
Tiny bows: about 1.2X 0.5
Draw a cross with 2.6 X 4.0 cm in the thin card and complete the drawing creating a lozenge (also called diamond), this is your template. Use it to cut it in the wood. Keep the template! you are going to need it for the back side of the kite (see photos).
Sand carefully. Draw a cross in the front as you see in the picture. With the help of the x-acto or a craft-knife, use the lines to make the two grooves.
Now if you want give a fine coat of filler and sand again, in order to have a nice smooth surface, maintaining the grooves!!!!!!!!!
In the back make also 4 little grooves as explained in the picture, they will be use to glue in place the tiny pieces of wood and the kite tail.
Paint the kite with colours of your choice. I painted with to tones of the same colours and I like very much the effect. After drying with a soft cloth polish the surface gently, this will allow you to get a beautiful finish.
Making the tail: paint a piece of the towel kitchen paper with dilute acrylic paint, the stronger one you have used in the kite. Let it dry. Separate the double paper layer, just use one to cut little rectangles (average length 1.2X 0.5 cm).
With the help of a tweezers hold the, the rectangle in the middle, press in order to obtain the little bow. Just like this, glue it on a piece of white embroidery thread. Make 7-9 bows like this.
Now it is time to glue the tail and the ends on the back of the kite, on those little groves you have done. Everything is in place? Wait to dry; now you can glue the card template, to have a nice back.
Cut a cube (more or less) of wood, and open in the centre a tiny hole, just large enough to pass the electric wire with the lamp attached. You can put a drop of glue to maintain it in place. Complete with the connection of the plug (remember that if you want to hide the wire, you must make the hole in the wall first, put the wire trough it, and then connect the plug (see photo of the toy shop, yellow kite), and voilá you just need to fix your kite to the wall………
Tip – if you are one of those that don’t have much time to spend on making miniatures, but still love to do your own one, just make the kite in thick card (about 3 mm thick), decoration can be made with paper, painting or even with real fabric, maybe matching the nursery room, make the tail as described and, glue the bulb in place.
Cute wall lights to your nursery room or shop
These wall lights are very easy to make, just takes a few hours and no expensive or special materials are needed. these were designed by myself, so you can use the design , with no problem.
Wood (obeche wood with 3 mm width maximum)
Thin paper card
Metal rule
Kitchen paper towel
Fine sand paper
Sharp craft knife or x-acto
Tacky glue
Acrylic paints (colours of your choice)
Embroidery thread (white or brown…or as you wish)
Electric bulb with wire and plug
Kite template
Important measures
Tail about 7.5 cm (about 0.5 cm with be to glue the tail to the back
of the kite
Number of tiny bows: 7-9
Tiny bows: about 1.2X 0.5
Draw a cross with 2.6 X 4.0 cm in the thin card and complete the drawing creating a lozenge (also called diamond), this is your template. Use it to cut it in the wood. Keep the template! you are going to need it for the back side of the kite (see photos).
Sand carefully. Draw a cross in the front as you see in the picture. With the help of the x-acto or a craft-knife, use the lines to make the two grooves.
Now if you want give a fine coat of filler and sand again, in order to have a nice smooth surface, maintaining the grooves!!!!!!!!!
In the back make also 4 little grooves as explained in the picture, they will be use to glue in place the tiny pieces of wood and the kite tail.
Paint the kite with colours of your choice. I painted with to tones of the same colours and I like very much the effect. After drying with a soft cloth polish the surface gently, this will allow you to get a beautiful finish.
Making the tail: paint a piece of the towel kitchen paper with dilute acrylic paint, the stronger one you have used in the kite. Let it dry. Separate the double paper layer, just use one to cut little rectangles (average length 1.2X 0.5 cm).
With the help of a tweezers hold the, the rectangle in the middle, press in order to obtain the little bow. Just like this, glue it on a piece of white embroidery thread. Make 7-9 bows like this.
Now it is time to glue the tail and the ends on the back of the kite, on those little groves you have done. Everything is in place? Wait to dry; now you can glue the card template, to have a nice back.
Cut a cube (more or less) of wood, and open in the centre a tiny hole, just large enough to pass the electric wire with the lamp attached. You can put a drop of glue to maintain it in place. Complete with the connection of the plug (remember that if you want to hide the wire, you must make the hole in the wall first, put the wire trough it, and then connect the plug (see photo of the toy shop, yellow kite), and voilá you just need to fix your kite to the wall………
Tip – if you are one of those that don’t have much time to spend on making miniatures, but still love to do your own one, just make the kite in thick card (about 3 mm thick), decoration can be made with paper, painting or even with real fabric, maybe matching the nursery room, make the tail as described and, glue the bulb in place.
you will need a piece of wood with 4.6 X 4.6 cm to make the two balloons that are together in one piece!!!! (see the photos and the draws)
The little one painted in yellow is a “circle with about 2.0 X 0.8 cm
Pay attention to the photos to see the part where the thread is tightened as if it was use to hold the balloon…
The little one painted in yellow is a “circle with about 2.0 X 0.8 cm
Pay attention to the photos to see the part where the thread is tightened as if it was use to hold the balloon…
Note: If you can, put two bulbs, in opposite directions, it will look much better!
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