My Etsy shop Miniatures Forever
Encomendas!!!!! Faça a sua consulta sem compromisso!
Executo por encomenda móveis em miniatura, ambientes e casas de bonecas. Dou orçamento e prazo de entrega.
Envie-me o seu pedido para anaanselmo55@gmail.com
Executo por encomenda móveis em miniatura, ambientes e casas de bonecas. Dou orçamento e prazo de entrega.
Envie-me o seu pedido para anaanselmo55@gmail.com
My fabric Catalogue!!!! O meu catálogo de tecidos!!!!!
O meu catálogo de Tecidos com padrões pequeninos!!! Especial para miniaturas, casas de bonecas e vestidos de bonecas!
Visite-me no meu blog Forever Fabrics
High Quality Fabrics! Real fabrics not ink jet printed fabrics!!! Visit my new Blog Forever Fabrics
Hard to find fabrics with tiny patterns, a great variety of more then 550 different patterns, flowers, dots, stripes, checks, geometric, faux patchwork, all suitable for 12th scale or even less.
I buy all around the world so buying from me you will save in P&P!!!
If you don´t feel confortable to buy directly from me, I will be happy to make a list for you, on my Etsy shop!
Thank you!
Visite-me no meu blog Forever Fabrics
High Quality Fabrics! Real fabrics not ink jet printed fabrics!!! Visit my new Blog Forever Fabrics
Hard to find fabrics with tiny patterns, a great variety of more then 550 different patterns, flowers, dots, stripes, checks, geometric, faux patchwork, all suitable for 12th scale or even less.
I buy all around the world so buying from me you will save in P&P!!!
If you don´t feel confortable to buy directly from me, I will be happy to make a list for you, on my Etsy shop!
Thank you!
New designed pieces!!!!
The chairs and the table are my own design inspired in furniture made in Alentejo by simple carpenters to be use in the kitchen or by those that couldn´t afford expensive furniture....sometimes these pieces were made by the owner, himself, if he had the talent and the tools.
I love the small table, so I decided to design one, a little bit more elaborated, with a hand-carved piece, quite difficult to see in the photo. All these pieces were made with real joinery, I am pleased with the final result.
I made a research on old typical Alentejo furniture and I found these designs, aren´t they beautiful?
Etsy contest, today! please vote on me!!!!
Good morning! to all my friends, want to let you know that an item from miniaturesforever is in today's contest at http://etsycontest.com/?votefor=miniaturesforever please vote on me!!!!!!!!!
Good morning! to all my friends, want to let you know that an item from miniaturesforever is in today's contest at http://etsycontest.com/
New model of a bedside table and work in progress!
Working in a new model of bedside table for my Portuguese typical painted furniture from Alentejo, this one has a drawer and a door, instead of the othe model with 2 drawers. I am profiting my holidays to make several of these pieces, as you can see in the phots there are 4 single beds ready to paint. since
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