my Etsy shop


Encomendas!!!!! Faça a sua consulta sem compromisso!

Executo por encomenda móveis em miniatura, ambientes e casas de bonecas. Dou orçamento e prazo de entrega.

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My fabric Catalogue!!!! O meu catálogo de tecidos!!!!!

O meu catálogo de Tecidos com padrões pequeninos!!! Especial para miniaturas, casas de bonecas e vestidos de bonecas!
Visite-me no meu blog Forever Fabrics
High Quality Fabrics! Real fabrics not ink jet printed fabrics!!! Visit my new Blog Forever Fabrics

Hard to find fabrics with tiny patterns, a great variety of more then 550 different patterns, flowers, dots, stripes, checks, geometric, faux patchwork, all suitable for 12th scale or even less.

I buy all around the world so buying from me you will save in P&P!!!

If you don´t feel confortable to buy directly from me, I will be happy to make a list for you, on my Etsy shop!
Thank you!


último trabalhinho, last work!



These are a pair of terracotta amphoras I painted and  made a  very irregular tiny cracklé to achieve an  aged and charming  look. They will look great in a dollhouse "villa", in a patio or garden room-box! I believe you can´t find nothing similar to these beautiful hand-painted amphoras, they are really one of a kind pieces. Tripods are in metal and were painted in a  bronze colour.
You can buy them in my Etsy shop Miniaturesforever! Dimensions of the amphoras 3.8 cm high and a max. diameter of Amphoras in the tripods  are about 6.3 cm high.

4 comentários:

Fabiola disse...

Nice job! I like the decorations.
Bye Faby

Cote disse...

Felicidades, están geniales!!

Sans! disse...

Love those urns, Ana! So pretty!

Anabela Castelão disse...

Muito bonitas, estas ânforas. E os suportes, muito bem feitos.