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Tico-tico is a girl!!!!!

My husband and the biologist, she is also Ana, when we met
Dear friends
It seems that Tico-tico is a little girl!!!!
And I have a lots of news to tell. As you may remember what we really want it is to return the little bat to her colony. So, she is now with a biologist, specialist in bats, more precisely species that are from Portuguese habitats and of course it was from her that we knew that Tico-tico is a girl.
We miss her little baby bat a lot!!!! she is so cute and sweet. But she is doing well, eating lots of good things, vitamins and calcium and learning how to fly at night (we hope).

6 comentários:

Kim disse...

I am also sad that Tico-tico is with the biologist, but glad too. I have enjoyed seeing her pictures and learning how she is coming along, but in the end it will be best for her to be back with a colony. What a wonderful adventure you have had with this little girl!

Katie disse...

Too funny! I just asked you that in an email I wrote you this morning! So glad to hear that she is doing well.....But I know how attached you 2 were getting to her! It is hard to let them go, but just remember, it's for the best! Love the new pictures of her, She's beatiful!!! And will never be forgotten:)
Big Hugs!! Katie

Anónimo disse...

That is for the best - and you can always remember your special time with her... :)

Ana Anselmo disse...

HI! Kim and Katie
If she will be able to live in her colony, it is just a few meters of my office room :).
Until today she wasn´t showing a good fly, good enough to be able to live and feed by herself.
She is so tiny, believe me,even the biologist didn´t expect from the photos that she was so tiny.

Biby disse...

Olá Ana!
Estive a ler o blog e só agora reparei na historia do morceguinho! Que coisinha linda!

Sans! disse...

My mouth fell wide open when I read that she is a girl!! No wonder the affections :). lol.

Bye bye Tico! Take care and grow up well!